I think I want to be a recluse

I think I would like to be a recluse.

Emily Dickenson whose style of poetry influences my own was a recluse.




She wrote something like 1,800 poems in her lifetime but it was only after her death that they started to be published.

Within my writing challenge stretching from 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2022 I intend to be the most prolific writer on Amazon of Kindle e-books. I am aiming for:

·       FIVE MILLION words

·       TWO HUNDRED e-books

·       FIVE HUNDRED poems

All are obviously going to be published within my lifetime. But I am not looking for fame and fortune.

As I bring in books I published last year this is a diary I wrote across one hundred days of 2020.

Book Number: SIX

Title: Escape FromArmageddon

Date of Publication: Tuesday 14th July 2020

Genre: Diary

Word Total: 52,222

Star Rating: **  (In my humble and arrogant opinion that is !)

When I was a teenager living in the Cold War it was not a case of if there is World War Three and nuclear annihilation but when would World War Three and nuclear annihilation actually happen. I had an idea to write a story where I escaped Armageddon but  the story, like Nuclear Armageddon did not  happen. Shortly after the first lock down in 2020 I began a diary which I called Escape From Armageddon talking of my feelings as the pandemic clawed ever deeper at our society. It was a bit  of a drag and so I changed it to Escape From Armageddon – The First One Hundred Days then gave up.

How much fun did I have writing this story ?  Not a lot.

Within 2021 I am writing a diary page every single day, I never miss and will do so in 2022 right up to 31st December. However, while these are published on my Amazon Bookshelf I am not particularly looking for people to read them now, they are going into a time capsule to be opened on the 1st January 2120.

Perhaps I could emulate Rip van Winkle !


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