Come and sing a rainbow with me
DAY FIFTY-EIGHT Saturday 27th February 2021:
Good morning and welcome to Saturday. Saturday the penultimate day of February, Saturday, the penultimate day in this chapter of Dave’s Diary.
I had a truly beautiful day yesterday, if only every day were like yesterday what a wonderful life I would have.
SMILE – SMILE TODAY: Maybe not tonight, nor the next day, but everything is going to be OK.
I spent much of my day yesterday in the grounds of Stow National Trust,
this is a special place for me. A very special place. While walking round its
parkland not one, not, two but THREE poems burst from my heart. YES, I know the
poetry I write is rubbish but here is the first one.
Thank you tree
for letting me sit beneath your branches
They are tall
What stories can they tell
How many birds have nested to make their homes there ?
I am sure you made them all happy.
How much sunshine, wind and rain
Have help[ed youi grow so tall
So tall and so strong
If only you could speak.
Which monarch ruled the land
When the throne of your seed was planted in the ground
With the seasons your leaves will have come
And your leaves will have gone.
Just what stories could each tell ?
Small, of course along the side of all you know.
When I am gone and in the ground
You will still be here my special tree
Thank you for letting me sit beneath your branches.
Yesterday the government changed the way vaccinations against china virus are to be rolled out. For what it is worth I 100% support this new policy, a policy based both on science and common sense. If only our secretary of state for health were our prime minister how better our country would be. Weeks ago I write to my local MP praising the secretary of state. My local MP failed to reply but there you go he plays politics while the secretary of state is caring for the real people.
Another poem from yesterday.
I’ve found a fossil in a stone,
a precious sight in a priceless rock,
Kings and Queens have come and gone
and with them all royal wealth that counts for nothing.
I’ve found a fossil in a stone, it’s age and value,
ten thousand time greater than any king’s.
I’ve found a fossil in a stone,
How privileged I now am to hold,
that priceless diamond in my worthless hand.
Yesterday I wrote another 3,299 words in my challenge bringing my 2021 total to 409,319 BUT I have decided not to proceed with AN ALMANAC OF SMILES. It was boring and most unlikely to make anyone ever SMILE. I have, therefore, deleted it making today’s word total start with a minus figure bringing the total to 404,722.
Well here’s another poem from yesterday to help recover lost words.
Suicide is painless, or so they tell me.
But how would anyone know ?
Suicide ? Murder ? Are both painless ?
Is death painless outside mankind ?
Does man really have a soul ?
Do animals, birds and fish have souls ?
Is their death painless ?
Is a baby lamb’s death painless
as its chops grace a man’s dinner plate ?
Is that death painless to eat ?
Was there pain in the death that gave us a fast food burger ?
Kill Frightened Chickens ?
How painful are breadcrumbed nuggets to eat ?
Fish swimming freely in the sea,
caught and thrown back dead as excess quota,
was their death painless to their soul ?
The hungry man and the hungry woman,
both think that killing for their dinner plate is painless.
Suicide is painless. Animals do not commit suicide ?
Perhaps their soul has more value than that of a man.
So are my poems rubbish. Poetry comes from the heart and all of these words have come from my heart. I think my poetry is starting to show it’s unique style.
Today I am planning, that does not mean I am GOING, to put all of my time into A STAIRCASE OF WORDS. I have written 9,477 words so far and am not half way, I had originally planned to finish writing it by the end of the month.
Are you ready Wikipedia ? Time
for us to check out what was happening ON
27thFebruary 1951: The twbty-second amendment to the United States
Constitution limiting presidents to two terms is ratified. IF YOU ASK ME THAT
27th February 1962: Two dissident Republic of Vietnam Air
Force pilots bomb the Independence Palace in Saigon in a failed attempt to
assassinate South Vietnam President Ngo Digh Diem.
27th February 1964: The Government of Italy asks for help to
keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over. I REMEMBER THAT. Did it fall
over in the end ? I don’t have a clue.
27th February 1991: In
the Gulf War President Bush announces Kuwait is liberated. GOOD FOR HIM.
27th February 2007: The Shanghai Stock Exchange falls 9%, the
largest drop in ten years. Shame it was not ninety-nine percent.
27th February 1951: Steve Harley, he of Steve Harley and
Cockney Rebel, was born.#
27th February 2002: Spike Milligan, born 1918 left us. I HAVE JUST GOT TO SHARE SPIKE’S AMAZING SMILE POEM.
Smiling is infectious, you
catch it like the flu,
someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
passed around the corner and someone saw my grin.
he smiled I realized I'd passed it on to him.
thought about that smile, then I realized its worth.
single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth.
So, if
you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected.
Start an epidemic and get the world infected.
Spike was an ENGLISHMAN. I despise the way America is striving every day to destroy the ENGLISH language with is aborted spelling. There is no Z in realised you thick yanks.
I will now repeat the poem with that word written in ENGLISH.
Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realised I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile, then I realised its worth.
A single smile, just like mine could travel round the
So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected.
Start an epidemic and
get the world infected.
EVERY American you will now sit down and write the word REALISED one hundred times CORRECTLY SPELT !
We need some SMILES now, SMILES of love as I report yesterday’s china virus figures.
Across Britain another 8,523 cases and another 345 deaths. Locally to where I live 49 new cases and 1 death.
For you all, for your families and loves ones, for those who cared for
you I would like to take the words from a song and share them with you as a poem.
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow too
Listen with your eyes
Listen with your ears
And sing everything you see
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing along with me
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow too
And with those words I will end today’s diary entry. Everyone have a beautiful rainbow filled day.
Speak again tomorrow
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