DAY TWENTY-NINE: Friday 29th January 2021:
What does the word FEAR mean ? SMILE OF
THE DAY has the answer.
F.E.A.R has two meanings: Forget Everything
And Run or Face Everything And Rise.
Which do you prefer.
I really am fearful about the world situation as it stands right now. A killer virus despatched from China the like of which we have never seen before, not even in our worst nightmares. Right now there is a team in China investigating the origins of the pandemic, like me do you fear they will be denied access to the truth ?
It is a matter of face, not a matter of opinion, that Boris Johnson and his government have done too little too late and as a result more people have died than needed to. Do you fear that Boris will continue to drive the nation down suicide alley ?
Now we have the evil dictatorship of the European Union meddling in the roll out of the vaccine. Do you fear such motivation and self-centred activity will cause more deaths ?
Do you fear we are facing the end of mankind as we know it ?
I FEAR all of these and more, many more. But my F.E.A.R. is the second fear: Face Everything And Rise.
SOD China ! SOD Boris Johnson ! SOD the EU ! If WE the PEOPLE unite and support one another we will RISE.
Pardon the pun but are you up for this ?
Yesterday part of my own little way of RISING hit a grand total of 251,742 words written since 1st January. When I originally said I would write one million I was nervous, not any more. I think two million words is a better target. At this rate I will hit one million by the end of April. This January diary will be submitted as an e-book to Amazon the moment I have finished writing Friday’s edition. I want my diary writing to nudge others to positively occupy their minds and time to RISE above their fears. The diary recruiting page I shared yesterday is being printed out and will be circulated next week.
My disco MILTON KEYNES A DISCO FOR A NEW CITY is designed to be used as an e-book on a phone. YES, I hate smart phones and think they are the worst invention ever but I am not going to be able to obliterate them am I ? So this bit of fun is designed to get people to use their phones in a smart way. RISE about the failure of the wretched invention. Yesterday I added 1,419 words. I really intend to work hard and aim for publication at the end of the week.
BEHIND THE NOOSE is an ethical debate within which I am showing the failing justice system we all know today in the twenty-first century has always been the norm. Yesterday I wrote 738 words looking at the case and execution of James Hanratty. He may or may not have been a murder but his execution was murder conducted by the law. This book I think will take me well into February to finish it.
Time now for ON THIS DAY:
29th January 1980: The Rubic Cube
was introduced. WOW that is a fun thing.
29th January 2002; In his State Of
The Union address President George W Buch describes regimes that sponsor terror
as Axis of Evil. Depends how you define terror but is not America a sponsor of
terror ?
OH AT LAST ! Wikipedia has within its list of
people born on this day someone whose name I recognise.
29th January 1954: Oprah Winfrey born.
On this day yesterday 28,680 new cases of china virus in the UK. 1,239 MORE DEATHS. So I have written in excess of quarter of a million words since 1st January, I am shaking my head as I write – a tiny, tiny fraction of what is needed to express true sorrow, sympathy and support.
Yesterday on Google THREE people read my diary page. Google Blogger is such a failure compared to what it used to be. I never had less than 100 readers in the old days and several times passed 1,000. Let me go to Google and type in these words: Why is Google Blogger failing.
I found a forum and added this comment:
I am asking myself is Google setting up Blogger to fail ? Is it looking for a way out ? Surely no giant international on-line tech giant could have deliberately done what Google has done AND constantly ignoring user dissatisfaction.
I am so looking forward to writing a book later in the year THE DEVIL USES SOCIAL MEDIA. I hope it becomes a best seller but possibly it will not sell a single copy as the entire world knows the title to be a statement of truth.
Make sure you use the right definition of F.E.A.R today and rise above idiots like Google.
always – speak again tomorrow:
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